Web Form Submitted

Lesson Video Time: 10:54 Minutes

A Web Form is a lead capture form you put on your website to allow visitors to request information from you. You may use web forms to offer free lead magnets such as ebooks, videos, and more.

To capture leads on your website and follow up with them automatically.

  1. Drag the goal onto the canvas in a Campaign.
  2. Double click the goal to configure it
  3. Using the snippets, add the fields you want to collect in your form
  4. Choose whether or not you’d like to use a thank you page hosted by Infusionsoft, or redirect the visitor to a page of your website after completing the form.
  5. After publishing the campaign, get the Web Form code and embed it on your website or use Thrive Themes to build it into your website.

Use unstyled web forms and embed them on your site. Do not use 3rd party landing page tools or form plugins that do not use the Infusionsoft native form code. You will lose affiliate tracking and lead source tracking. LeadPages and Thrive Themes work great. ClickFunnels, Gravity Forms and others do not work. Add CSS to your theme to allow unstyled forms to look good. Use web forms embeded on your own website instead of Infusionsoft Landing Pages.

Q: Why does my contact not get the follow up communications after filling out my web form?

A: Your contact may already be in the sequence. You need to allow for them to always be able to fill out the form and get the deliverable.

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