Product Purchased

Lesson Video Time: 2:22 Minutes

A Product Purchased goal is achieved when a product is purchased. Product Purchased goals can be achieved in 3 different scenarios: when any product is purchased, when any product in a specified product category is purchased, or when a specific product is purchased.

Use Product Purchase goals any time you wish to stop a promotional sequence and start a new customer welcome sequence when a purchase is made.

  1. Drag a Product Purchased goal onto the canvas in the Campaign Builder
  2. Double-click to configure
  3. Select whether you want the goal to be achieved from the purchase of a specific product, any product, or a purchase in a product category.
  4. The select the specific product or product category.
  5. Save and publish the campaign

Categorize your products so that product purchased goals can be achieved appropriately. Otherwise you’re stuck with specific product purchases, which is sometimes too granular, or any product purchase, which is too broad is most situations.

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