Note Applied

Lesson Video Time: 2:31 Minutes

Configuring a Note Applied goal creates a “Note Template” that can be used to apply a canned (but editable) note on the contact record and simultaneously achieve the goal to trigger follow up.

You shouldn’t use Note Applied Goals. The only time you would need to use Note Templates is if you absolutely need to have the comments of the Note in the Notes area (versus in the form submissions). If notes are being pulled by a 3rd party system via the API, then this may be necessary. For 95% of Infusionsoft users, it’s better to just use Internal Forms.

  1. Drag a Note Applied Goal onto the Campaign Builder canvas
  2. Double-click the goal to configure it
  3. Select a Type
  4. Enter a title
  5. Enter a description (you may use merge fields)
  6. Select a user
  7. Enter users to be notified
  8. Save and publish
  9. The resulting “Note Template” can be used on the contact record in Interactive View or in the full contact record

Don’t use Note Applied goals. Instead use Internal Forms. Click here to learn about Internal Forms.

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