Opportunity Stage Moved

Lesson Video Time: 2:56 Minutes

The Opportunity Stage Move goal is used to trigger follow ups when sales opportunities are moved from one stage to another.

Use Opportunity Stage Moved Goals with Opportunity Records if you have a sales manager who needs reporting and forecasting ability or if you need to have multiple Opportunities open at the same time.

  1. Drag the Opportunity Stage Moved Goal onto the canvas
  2. Double-click the goal to configure it
  3. Select whether you want the goal to be achieved when the contact moved into or out of the stage
  4. Select which stage
  5. Publish the campaign

Best practice is to use an “into” goal in the front-end of a sequence, and an “out of” goal on the back end of the same sequence.  That way, the sequence is triggered when the contact moves into that Sale Pipeline Stage and gets stopped when the contact moves out of that Stage.

Only use Opportunity records if you have a sales manager who needs reporting and forecasting ability or if you need to have multiple opportunities open at the same time. Otherwise set up a sales pipeline using the contact record.

Best practice is to use an “into” goal in the front-end of a sequence, and an “out of” goal on the back end of the same sequence.  That way, the sequence is triggered when the contact moves into that Sale Pipeline Stage and gets stopped when the contact moves out of that Stage.

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Use Box Out Marketing’s “Opportunity Stage Mover” tool to move Opportunities from stage to stage automatically.