Create Appointment

Lesson Video Time: 2:54 Minutes

Automatically create an appointment on your Infusionsoft calendar for the contact based on a date or date/time field in their contact record.

Use the Create Appointment snippet to automatically create appointments on your calendar based on a date field in the contact record.

  1. Drag the Create Appointment snippet onto the canvas in a Sequence
  2. Double-click to configure
  3. Select an Action Type
  4. Enter a Title and Description (you can merge contact information into these fields using the Merge button)
  5. Check whether to assign the appointment to the Contact’s owner
  6. Select a back up to assign the appointment to
  7. Select which date field in the contact record you’d like to use for the date/time of the appointment
  8. Select when you’d like the appointment to be in relationship to the date selected above
  9. Select how long the appointment will last
  10. Check whether to notify the owner
  11. Select any other Users to be notified
  12. Save and publish the campaign

Don’t use the Infusionsoft calendar or this feature unless you’re using a 3rd party tool like AppointmentCore which will sync your Infusionsoft account with your Google calendar.

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We recommend using AppointmentCore to sync your calendar with your Infusionsoft calendar and allow contacts to book appointments on your calendar.