Create Opportunity

Lesson Video Time: 2:50 Minutes

Automatically create a sales opportunity and assign it to a User/sales rep.

If you’re using a sales team you may want to use Opportunity record management to keep track of leads and your sales pipeline.  The Create Opportunity snippet will automatically create Opportunity records and assign them to the sales team.

  1. Drag the Create Opportunity snippet onto the canvas in a Sequence
  2. Double-click to configure
  3. Enter an Opportunity Title, or leave blank for the Company Name from the Contact record to be used as the Opportunity Title.  If there is no Company Name, the Contact Name will be used.
  4. Select which sales pipeline stage should be set as the starting stage for the Opportunities
  5. Select whether to assign to a specific user or assign using a Round Robin.  Select which Round Robin if you have chosen to assign using a Round Robin.
  6. Select the Interest Bundle the contacts are interested in, or leave unselected
  7. Check whether to create opportunities if the contact already has an active opportunity.  Active Opportunities are determined by the stages you select as active sales stages in CRM -> Settings -> Opportunity Defaults.  Typically Won and Lost stages are inactive stages.
  8. Enter the next action date
  9. Enter next action notes.  This can be helpful to notify the sales rep where the Opportunity is coming from
  10. Save and publish the campaign

Only use Opportunity Records if you have a sales team with a sales manager who needs management visibility, forecasting, and can manage & train the team.  Otherwise, manage sales leads in the Contact record.

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