Task Completed

Lesson Video Time: 1:40 Minutes

A Task Completed goal gets achieved and triggers the start of the following sequence when a task from the previous sequence is completed by a User.

Use Task Completed Goals with you have a fulfillment situation where future tasks are dependent on previous tasks.  Also, when a manager needs to see when tasks were assigned, who many tasks are overdue, etc Task Complete Goals are a great solution.

  1. Set up a Task in a Campaign Sequence.
  2. Connect that Campaign Sequence to a Task Completed Goal on the right
  3. Double-click the goal to configure it
  4. Select the task(s) from the previous Sequence that will achieve the goal
  5. Publish the campaign

Only use Task Completion goals in situations where a manager needs to tightly oversee tasks, see assignment and completion dates, and see overdue tasks. Also when future tasks are dependent on previous tasks being completed. Otherwise, use tags with saved searches and use Notes to notify appropriate people.

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