Delay Timer

Lesson Video Time: 3:12 Minutes

Lesson Progress:

Delay timers will wait the designated amount of time from the time the contact reaches that point in the sequence, then the next sequence action is run.

Use a Delay Timer to delay a specified amount of time before the next communication or action.

  1. Drag the Delay Timer snippet onto the canvas in a Sequence
  2. Double-click to configure the Timer
    1. Select the amount of time to delay
    2. Select when the timer should run (any day, weekdays, specific day of the week, specific day of the month)
    3. Select the time it should run
  3. Publish the campaign


Why are contacts slipping through my timers?

If multiple timers are connected directly, Infusionsoft will ignore the first timers and skip to the last one. If you have unpublished elements in between Timers, when published, the system just sees the timers connected directly and contacts skip to the last timer (you can see this in reporting view).

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