Tag Applied

Lesson Video Time: 3:19 Minutes

A Tag Applied goal will be achieved when a contact is given the selected tag. Using this goal can start a sequence when a tag is applied to the contact. Tag Applied goals are often used to trigger one campaign from another campaign.

Tag Applied goals are one of the most often used goal types. They can be used to start a sequence in one campaign from within a sequence in another campaign. You also may apply tags using 3rd party tools. This is the most common way 3rd party tools start campaign sequences.

  1. In the Campaign Builder, drag the Tag Applied goal onto the canvas
  2. Double-click to configure
  3. Select the tag(s) that will achieve the goal when applied
  4. Click save and publish the campaign

A Tag Applied goal will be achieved when a contact is given the selected tag. Using this goal can start a sequence when a tag is applied to the contact. Tag Applied goals are often used to trigger one campaign from another campaign.