Campaign Strategy

Lesson Video Time: 23:12 Minutes

Lesson Progress:

Now that you’ve learned about all the Campaign Builder features, it’s time to take a step back, focus on the strategy of your campaigns, and then start to plan them correctly, and then finally, put all the pieces together to build the campaigns.

Know Where To Focus

The most important part of strategy is knowing where to focus first.  There are a thousand and one things you could do next.  A handful of those things have the potential to double, triple, or quadruple your business.  The rest are not nearly as significant.  So, we want to know we’re focusing in the right place first.

Find The Biggest Bottleneck

Consider these four ways to grow your business:

  • Increase Traffic
  • Increase Leads
  • Increase Sales Conversions
  • Increase Transaction Amount

These are the four fundamental areas you can focus on to grow.  There really is nothing else.  If you double one of these items, and all else stays the same, you’ll double your sales.

So, exercise number one is to determine which of these is the lowest hanging fruit.  Which is easiest to increase?

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to start pulling data on each of these numbers.  At a minimum, you need to know:

  • How many visitors you’re getting each month (to your site, walking into your store, attending your events, whatever it may be)
  • How many leads you’re capturing each month
  • How many new customers you’re selling each month
  • The average lifetime value of your customers

If you know those four things, you can identify the conversion rates between them and determine which conversion rate increase would have the biggest impact on the business.

Take a moment and figure that out.

Then watch continue to the next exercise below.

Where Are You Wasting Time?

Another important part of campaign strategy planning within Infusionsoft is to identify where you’re wasting time.  Infusionsoft can automate a ton of the daily work you and your team do.

I coined a phrase years ago at Infusionsoft that’s been used by thousands of people ever since:

“If you do the same thing 3 or more times, STOP, and automate it!”

Below is a worksheet I created to help you identify the things that can be automated.  Take some time TODAY to thoughtfully review and identify areas of your business that can be automated with Infusionsoft, then continue to the video below.