Landing Page Template
Landing Page Template
[fusedesk_newcase fileupload=”true” hideknowndata=”true” fileupload=”yes” filetypesallowed=”*.pdf,*.doc,*.csv” filetext=”Please provide the following copy: Lead magnet delivery email, follow-up email, landing page copy, thank you page copy, and promotional email copy (if applicable)” department=”769″ buttontext=”Submit Your Campaign Request” creatingtext=”Submitting Your Request…” successtext=”Your request has been submitted. We will get back to you shortly.” suggestionlimit=0 suggestionstext=”” messagetext=”Add any additional details you think we should know about?” successredirect=”/campaign-requests/ “]
Name your request (this will be the title of your request within the factory dashboard)
What is the name of your lead magnet?
Would you like to promote this lead magnet to your existing list?
What lead capture mechanism would you like?
Web form (embedded onto a page of your website – we’ll need access to your website backend)
Hosted landing page (we’ll build the landing page in your Keap or Infusionsoft account)
Hosted landing page (we’ll build the landing page in your Keap or Infusionsoft account)
Would you like us to build the landing page? If so, you’ll need to provide the design and copy.
Select Landing page template
After The Contact Requests Your Lead Magnet, Would You Like Us To Trigger Another Campaign?
Yes – What is the name of the campaign to be triggered?
Please add a Loom video explaining details you’d like us to know about your campaign. Get Loom Here.